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Damen Song Cam Shipyard Co.Ltd

Damen Song Cam Shipyard Co.Ltd

Liên doanh
500 - 999 người
Hải Phòng
Đang tuyển 0
Damen Song Cam Shipyard Co.Ltd

Damen Song Cam Shipyard Co.Ltd

Liên doanh
500 - 999 người
Hải Phòng

Giới thiệu

The Damen Song Cam Shipyard (DSCS) is located in Haiphong City, Thuy Nguyen district in Vietnam. Construction of DSCS started in August 2011, and the first phase of the three-phased shipyard development project was officially commissioned in MarchDSCS is owned by Damen Shipyards (70%) and Song Cam Shipyard (30%), a subsidiary of Shipbuilding Industry Group Vietnam (Vinashin). The joint-venture will operate the shipyard for 40 years.
Xem thêm The Damen Song Cam Shipyard (DSCS) is located in Haiphong City, Thuy Nguyen district in Vietnam. Construction of DSCS started in August 2011, and the first phase of the three-phased shipyard development project was officially commissioned in MarchDSCS is owned by Damen Shipyards (70%) and Song Cam Shipyard (30%), a subsidiary of Shipbuilding Industry Group Vietnam (Vinashin). The joint-venture will operate the shipyard for 40 years.

Thông tin liên hệ

Pham Lanh
Thôn Lôi Động, Xã Hoàng Động, Huyện Thủy Nguyên, Hải Phòng . Xem bản đồ

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